Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Setup Dollar Exchange Site You Can Hire Me


Main features

  • Bootstrap 3 responsive design
  • jQuery interface for exchange
  • jQuery calculator for fast amount calculation
  • Multilanguage System
  • Email template system
  • Support RTL languages
  • Automatically get fiat to fiat rates by API
  • Automatically get crypto to fiat and fiat to crypto rates (Bitcoin,Litecoin,Dogecoin and etc.)
  • Automatic crypto to crypto rates

  • Affiliate program
  • Testimonials
  • Reserve information
  • Operator status at header
  • 3 steps for account verification
  • SSQL Security (Powered by me4onkof)
  • Nice UI
  • Email notifications for every exchange status
  • Option: Admin can require user to have account to exchange

3 steps account verification
  • Email verification
  • Document verification (Require admin approval of documents)
  • Mobile number verification (Use API)
  • Can be turned on/off every verification and if you turn off all, user will be actived after registration

Administrator features
  • Full admin dashboard
  • Can process exchanges
  • Can manage users
  • Can manage withdrawals
  • Can manage testimonials
  • Can manage gateways
  • Can manage exchange rates
  • and much more try admin panel in demo below

Gateways features
  • Currency manage (Up to 160 world currencies - USD, RUB, EUR, GBP and etc.



Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

: : : :

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